Camberley Athena Women's Institute
Our new Membership Year runs from April 2023 to March 2024.
(Blue text - click on each event for a meeting summary)
17 April Camberley Tai Chi - Nathalie Pinte
15 May The Weird and Wonderful World of the Law - David Allen
19 June Ikebana, the art of Japanese flower arranging -
Irene Moore
17 July Bestselling Author & New Book Launch - Adele Parks
August ** No Meeting
18 September Layers of Jane Austen - Jenny Colquhoun
16 October Nutritional Therapist & Food Coach - Helen Halliday
20 November Games Evening - more information to follow
Virtual Annual General Meeting
11 December Christmas Party ** 2nd Monday of the month
15 January 2024 Secrets, Sex, Scandal and Salacious Gossip
of the Royal Court, 1660 to 1830 - Sarah Slater
Athena's 5th year Anniversary
19 February Orpheus Centre - Anne Lovelace
18 March Gardens for Birds - John Lawrence
* All Speakers are subject to change